Otherwise you may not be able to cash out your winnings from it.
On older igt s and igt s+ slot machines, it is a good idea to wait a few minutes prior to playing. Use a second key to reset the machine after a malfunction, usually denoted by the e1 code showing in the credits display on the front of the machine. >hi, > i cannot find the switch test button on my igt. How do you reset a slot machine? Remove processor tray located below the monitor. They look so much alike that if you don’t know what to look for then you probably just guess or go by what someone tells you that it is. Absolutely necessary to do so and the machine has been turned off beforehand.
(pull on handle while holding under tray) 3. Repairing An Igt Double Diamond Deluxe Slot Machine - Youtube Insert the jackpot reset key into the keyhole. You should get the ding and your 61 should come back. International game technology plc, formerly gtech s.p.a.